Individual + Group Training in Milton

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Take Your Game to the Next Level

At Milton Vision & Sports Vision Training Centre, we offer both individual and group training sessions. You can work on your individual skills needed for your best performance, or with your team as a whole. 

Our training packages always include a full analysis and program designed to improve hand-eye coordination, reaction time, decision making, and team play.

Achieving your sport-specific goals starts here!

Individual Training

We offer our support to players of all ages and all skill levels. You can utilize a single-session if you are looking to sharpen up your skills before the big game or go for the package training option for a fully customized long-term training program.

Our technology and training techniques can adapt between beginner to professional athletes. Do you have a competitive edge? Our database lets you know where you stand compared to athletes in the same sport, level, age, and position as you.

Fine-tune your coordination, speed, reaction time, and decision-making.

Group Training

Our group training options include team-building events, customizable group evaluations and training programs, and concussion baseline testing that includes IQ computerized eye-tracking and neuro-optometric rehabilitation. Vision can be affected due to mild or severe concussions and we want to give you the tools needed to regain the vital visual skills you need.

Group training allows you to push yourself to be your best alongside your friends and teammates. Together, we can achieve success. 

Perform at Your Best 

Blow the competition away with your visual acuity and precision during your next game. We offer Sports Vision Training for both individuals and teams. Clear and accurate visual skills are at the heart of your performance. Discover all that you can achieve!

Find Us in Milton

We’re located in the Wilmott Marketplace Plaza off Santa Marta Boulevard, across from the Milton Sports Centre. You’ll find plenty of parking in front of our practice.


  • 608 Santa Maria Blvd, Unit 4
  • Milton, ON L9T 9L7


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